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Dental Floss

Dental Floss

Thoroughly Cleans Between The Teeth

Thoroughly Cleans Between The Teeth


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Product Details

About this item

Dental floss is a cord of thin filaments used in interdental cleaning to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth, places a toothbrush has difficulty reaching, or is unable to reach. Its regular use as part of oral cleaning is designed to maintain oral health.

How to Use

Flossing instructions

  1. Break off about 18 to 24 inches of dental floss. To hold the floss correctly, wind most of the floss around both of your middle fingers. Leave only about 1 to 2 inches of floss for your teeth.
  2. Next, hold the floss taut with your thumbs and index fingers.
  3. Place the dental floss in between two teeth. Gently glide the floss up and down, rubbing it against both sides of each tooth. Don’t glide the floss into your gums. This can scratch or bruise your gums.
  4. As the floss reaches your gums, curve the floss at the base of the tooth to form a C shape. This allows the floss to enter the space between your gums and your tooth.
  5. Repeat the steps as you move from tooth to tooth. With each tooth, use a new, clean section of floss.

Pharmacist's Advice

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About this item

Dental floss is a cord of thin filaments used in interdental cleaning to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth, places a toothbrush has difficulty reaching, or is unable to reach. Its regular use as part of oral cleaning is designed to maintain oral health.

Flossing instructions

  1. Break off about 18 to 24 inches of dental floss. To hold the floss correctly, wind most of the floss around both of your middle fingers. Leave only about 1 to 2 inches of floss for your teeth.
  2. Next, hold the floss taut with your thumbs and index fingers.
  3. Place the dental floss in between two teeth. Gently glide the floss up and down, rubbing it against both sides of each tooth. Don’t glide the floss into your gums. This can scratch or bruise your gums.
  4. As the floss reaches your gums, curve the floss at the base of the tooth to form a C shape. This allows the floss to enter the space between your gums and your tooth.
  5. Repeat the steps as you move from tooth to tooth. With each tooth, use a new, clean section of floss.



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