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A Tetanus Injection Protects You From Tetanus, Which Is A Dangerous Infection, By Stimulating Your Immune System To Create An Immune Response. There’s No Cure For Tetanus.
A Tetanus Injection Protects You From Tetanus, Which Is A Dangerous Infection, By Stimulating Your Immune System To Create An Immune Response. There...
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About this item
A tetanus shot is a vaccine. It protects you from tetanus, a life-threatening bacterial infection. Babies and kids need several doses of the vaccine at different ages. Adults should get a tetanus booster shot every 10 years. You get the shot in your upper arm or thigh. The shot is safe, and serious complications are very rare.
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About this item
A tetanus shot is a vaccine. It protects you from tetanus, a life-threatening bacterial infection. Babies and kids need several doses of the vaccine at different ages. Adults should get a tetanus booster shot every 10 years. You get the shot in your upper arm or thigh. The shot is safe, and serious complications are very rare.
Consult with your doctor.
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